Help outfit our neighborhood kids so they can focus on school
The Clothesline remains committed to our goal of helping low-income families find quality clothing for their children. Our clients trust us to offer support with Dignity, Understanding, and Kindness.
Since 2018:
- We have given away over 10,000 wardrobes!
- Over 240,000 items of clothing provided - free of charge - to families in need!
- This past fall we helped 1,400 kids find clothes to learn in the classroom and have fun on the playground!
One grateful client let us know that "I know the impact you are making on my son is greater and longer lasting than I can imagine"; "I noticed that his confidence has grown tremendously." Another client told us that "I feel like the The Clothesline really understands what the kids are looking for -- to feel comfortable -- and they do their best to help. It's made a big difference for our family."
We need your help more than ever in 2025! In addition to clothing donations, your financial support is critical. It pays for new socks and underwear in bulk, gaps in our inventory so all of our clients can find their size, our small but dedicated staff, and the lease on our new, welcoming store.
Please consider making a recurring donation. Regular contributions—at whatever level is comfortable for you—supports The Clothesline on an ongoing basis, allowing us to plan for future needs of low-income Arlington families. Thank you for your support!
Our Mission: Collect clothing in excellent condition from the community and distribute it free-of-charge to low-income school-aged children in a welcoming space. Please visit our website for more details: http://www.clotheslinearlington.org/